
Alyona's artistic journey began with vivid childhood memories that sparked her passion for art. Her aunt, a painter with a whimsical garden, captivated her imagination. Surrounded by used-up paint tubes, her loose, textured brushstrokes painted enchanting flowers, setting her apart as a dreamer in their family. Alyona felt her first spark of interest in art, realizing that adulthood could still be filled with creativity.

In high school, another turning point occurred. Her mother, a teacher, introduced her to the history of art through captivating picture books on legendary painters like Dali and Rembrandt. Alyona lost herself for hours in these masterpieces, dreaming of her own artistic future.

Although painting didn't initially captivate her as a child, Alyona's creativity knew no bounds. From crafting a DIY cardboard Ken doll at age 5 to sewing designer bags and knitting vibrant scarves, her inventive spirit shone. She even explored interior design briefly, only to discover a dislike for rigid rules and measurements.

After school, the world of IT consumed her creative side, and motherhood further distanced her from her artistic dreams. It took a global pandemic to make her question her choices. Amid endless news cycles and a meaningless job, she sought an escape. Long walks in the forest and late-night digital drawings became her refuge.

But digital art couldn't quench her thirst for the tangible. Alyona yearned for the aroma of real art supplies, the allure of smelly paint, and the freedom of expressive brushstrokes. She experimented endlessly, seeking her true artistic calling. The journey was never-ending, filled with exciting discoveries. That's where all the adventure lay.

The artist discovers great joy and tranquility during her leisurely walks in the neighborhood. She firmly believes that with diligent training, one begins to observe every nuance of the world around. This heightened awareness unveils the beauty concealed in the ordinary — a weathered tree trunk cloaked in centuries-old bark or a family of wild mushrooms standing in serene harmony atop a bed of delicate teal-hued moss. Each outing reveals something new; nature's perpetual transformations continually surprise with its captivating offerings.

Although direct references to nature may not be immediately evident in Alyona's paintings, nature's inspiration fills her like a cup, allowing her to gradually translate her sensory experiences onto the canvas.

Furthermore, the artist finds solace in repetitive patterns and textures, a means to quiet her often bustling mind.

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